Sunday, September 22, 2013

New Nanocrystals Improve Dentures

Written by Dentistry TodayMonday, 09 January 2012 16:38

A new glass ceramic has been created that will be beneficial to dentistry.

A research team at the Otto-Schott Institute for Glass Chemistry generated a new glass structure that would be ideal for dentures.

The strength of this new glass substance will be about five times stronger than similar denture ceramics, according to Dr. Christian Russel of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena in Germany.

This group has been developing high-density ceramics, but nothing that would be applicable for dentistry—until now.

The materials aren't supposed to look different than they would in natural teeth. The color is also vital, as is the look of the enamel.

To create the ideal substance for dentistry, it's essential that the glass ceramics are cooled at a certain temperature scheme. The materials are heated at 1,500°C before being cooled down. The glass is later melted and then cooled down. Any variation in the procedure would ruin the strength of the product.

There's still a lot of work to be done before the material will officially be unveiled for denture usage.

Dental Tourism Becomes Major Industry in Scotland

Written by Dentistry TodayTuesday, 10 January 2012 16:36

Dental tourism is now a big deal in Scotland.

With people looking to save money, people are flocking to Scotland for low-cost dental care. The wait time and high costs of dental treatment in other countries doesn’t exist in Scotland. Specifically, people from the United Kingdom are making these trips to cut costs.

Instead of travelling to Hungary for dental treatment, Scotland may become the new popular destination for dental care.

There are some people who are contacting dentists in Scotland and then choosing whether to travel to Scotland or Hungary.

In countries where cosmetic dentistry isn’t around or in small demand, this dental tourism may be vital. It can provide people with service they wouldn’t otherwise have access to.

As beneficial and cost-efficient as dental tourism may be, it’s still essential to do so some research before making the trip. If a procedure is messed up, you may end up paying more money in addition to suffering from some major health problems.

Dental Visits Essential to Healthy Life

Written by Dentistry TodayThursday, 12 January 2012 08:44

Despite the poor economy, there are some areas in which costs can't be cut.

One of them is dental coverage. Maintaining good oral health leads to having solid overall health.

There are no concrete statistics on the dwindling number of people visiting the dentist but many studies indicate people are visiting the dentist less often. Gallup-Healthways surveyed about 177,000 Americans from January through June 2011 and found that 35 percent of Americans didn't visit the dentist in the last 12 months.

There are plenty of issues that could develop without regular dentist visits. Plaque and tartar may build up and turn into tooth decay, among other issues.

Saving money now by skipping dental visits will result in paying more later. When a tooth begins to decay, it won't heal without any dental treatment—and sometimes it's even too late for the dentist to fix the problem.

A person may also be suffering from oral cancer or jaw diseases and not know it without visiting the dentist. There's a plethora of other health problems that may develop because of an oral health problem.

That's why it's vital for people to minimize consumption of sugary foods and beverages. Water is the best drink to enable this to happen.

Brushing and flossing between dental visits are also essential functions for maintaining oral health.